77 CORES The Blurring Test / MrMind 88 Cores 3D Wallpaper Underscapes / Overscapes UnderLA POWERLINES & TREES HeadsUP! 18 Cores Core California UNSUNG! Songs of the Missileers touch here –> Oscar-Zero Gone Gitmo IPSRESS Worldbuilding End Redistricting Now ON4Y Redistricting Game Don’t Take The Bait Lipsync FACEMAKER III-D SCAN LOOK EXPRESS Moving Puzzle / Puzzles in Motion House 11A Cinepuzzle Walljumpers FIVE PAST MIDNIGHT Scant Protection Mars Gale Crater – FOV2Go Camera Obscura Weatherium World Trade Empire Silly Noisy House VANITY Einstein On The Beach 3D Website: Roden Crater 1995-2003 Web Design: JamesTurrell.com 2013 Website: DavidGordon.nyc ESSAY: connect with new audiences The Blurring Test: Songs of MrMind The Blurring Test Firescapes LIPSYNC24 EXPRESS