Six Cores from 88 Cores 2019
Greenland GISP2D Ice Cores
-1m -6m -12m -2129m -2465m, -3043m
The Extended Landscape
The Extended Landscape describes an extension of traditional landscape portraiture to include the areas beneath our feet, above our heads, and back in time. Climate change demands that we look past the insta-scape of horizontal landscapes and extend our vision to include the deep time and deep space of our planet. The ground is neither solid nor invisible. Acknowledging this requires a radical re-orientation towards the vertical; active and arid lands demand vertical section cuts. The Underscape documents land use past and potential, water, minerals, planetary history and our many faults. Traditional landscapes dismisses the atmosphere as transparent, skipping it entirely – looking right through it en route to heaven. The Overscape acknowledges that we are, quite literally, in over our heads, and redirects our attention to the makeup and changes in the gaseous envelope surrounding our planet.
See: The Distance Plan Lexicon: Underscape/Overscape
UnderLA 2016
Refik Anadol and Peggy Weil
Video Projection – Los Angeles Aquifer projected onto the banks of the Los Angeles River. Commissioned by the City of Los Angeles for CURRENT:LA WATER, Origin of LA River, Canoga Park, LA Photo: Panic Studio LA, courtesy of City of Los Angeles
UnderLA 2016
Refik Anadol and Peggy Weil
Video Projection – Los Angeles Aquifer projected onto the banks of the Los Angeles River. Commissioned by the City of Los Angeles for CURRENT:LA WATER, First Street Bridge, LA Photo: Panic Studio LA, courtesy of City of Los Angeles
Video 10m15s 2018, Installation Media Arts Nexus Screen NTU Singapore 2018
Geothermal cores from under the Salton Sea
Video 4h29m
The Climate Museum, In Human Time NYC 2018
Above images: The Philbrook Downtown, Tulsa OK 2019
HeadsUp! Times Square 2012
Data visualization (Animation Richard Vijgen)
Global Groundwater from NASA/JPL satellite and USGS well data shown on Times Square digital signboards.
The Distance Plan Climate Lexicon: Underscape/Overscape