Event Lab, Barcelona, 2009

The Event Lab (Mel Slater and Mavi Sanchez-Vives) and Gone Gitmo (Nonny de la Peña and Peggy Weil)
First presented at Arte e Ciencia, Benasque, Spain 2009

An experience based on FOIA obtained interrogation logs of Detainee 063 (Al Qahtani) in Guantanamo Bay Prison in 2002 and 2003. The piece explored how VR could be used to convey an immersive version of the news reports of detainees being held for extended periods in stress positions. The collaboration with the EVENT LAB, scientists Mel Slater and Maria Sanchez-Vives, applied research on the perception of our sense of embodiment, allowing the viewer to undergo an illusionary transformation of the physical body, they perceptually, if not literally, entering the body of the other. 
